Increase & Maintain Business Profits


Increase & Maintain Business Profits

When sales in your store are dropping sharply, and you have a lot of operational costs, you want to disappear into outer space or hibernate at the North Pole.

Don’t get dizzy just yet, with the following tips you can increase or even maintain your business profit at a safe level without disrupting the running of your business, iREAP friends

Create an online Promotion

Today, digital marketing is an effective means of increasing your consumer awareness of the products you sell. Try Instagram, Facebook to market your product. Slowly your shop will flood potential customers who are curious about what you sell.

Improve service

Train your employees to get used to asking the customer’s name or just saying thank you to those who come to visit/shop. Unknowingly you have made your customers more “sensitive” to your business.

Create Instagramable Shop Interiors

For those of you who are targeting typical teenage customers, or even adults, make a shopping place that is comfortable and instagramable. Guaranteed they will feel at home coming to your store every day.

Use iREAP POS PRO to see sales trends for your products

iReap POS Sales Report Apps

You don’t need to worry anymore if suddenly the stock of the product you are selling is empty, especially if the product is a best seller. With the iREAP POS PRO Sales Report feature, you can monitor the stock of the products you sell, see which products are selling best and monitor your merchandise inventory without having to bother coming to the store.


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