

On the previous article, I stated that one of the problems that are faced by Indonesian SMEs is unable to build Human Resource (HR). This problem is most faced and becomes the main obstacles which becomes the challenges of the company’s development. Thus, if the company wants to move forward and developed, then this problem must be solved.

Through this article, I tried to discuss 3 things that must be done by the company to get reliable HR and becomes the company’s asset.

How to Get Reliable HR

1. Recruiting Proper HR

The first thing that must be done by the company is choose or recruit proper HR based on the needs. The company must be able to describe specification of each employee that is needed by the company (Job specification & Job Description). For instance : cashier is maximal 30 years old and must own high accuracy, customer service which is obliged to have 1 year experience in its field and the person is able to communicate and friendly, the manager should have ever owned leadership and can protect the team, and other needs for each position.

If this thing should be paid attention, then the recruiting process will also become true. Otherwise, if the deciding process of the employee specification is wrong, then the recruiting process is automatically will be wrong and causes problem in the future.

After recruiting the employees, then the company must have a clear standard test so that there is no mistake in recruiting the employees. It is not recommended to recruit based on feeling ‘it seems match’ and ‘without normative standard’. One of the simple tests which can be used is Test DISC. Through this test will be seen the characteristic of a person, whether dominant, Intimate, Stable or careful. Every work needs different character, for example, cashier is usually an accurate person, , customer service intimate properly, and others.

2. Coaching True HR

After the recruiting process is done properly, the next step is coaching the HR truly. Every HR which enters the company must be trained with clear training program (curriculum). Never expect that new employee will be able to work directly without being trained. To create HR with the wanted standard by the company, then true training standard is needed too.

Early step training (usually about Vision Mission Value and Product Knowledge) is very important, but that does not mean that adequate training is done for once. Training for HR should be done regularly with structured pattern, like school. Training material is suitable with the needs of each HR so that day by day they become more competent and could work better. The success company always have good and integrated training center.

3. Treating the existing HR

The third thing which should be paid attention by the company is about how to treat HR well and right. After HR recruiting process is done properly and coach the HR well, then the next duty is how the company give reward & punishment to all employees.

Reward is something that is given by the company for all employees when they work well and run all its obligation, while punishment is a penalty or warning that is given to employees as a way to know their mistake and can change to better way.

Many company has punishment ways and still rarely gives reward. This thing causes employees to not to motivate to do the best thing because there is no push factor. Thus, the principle ‘diligent or lazy is the same’ must be changed into ‘diligent employee gets reward and lazy employee gets punishment’. If this thing is not done, then the diligent employee will quit from the company because they feel no reward and lazy employee tend to retain because they do not feel well to quit the company.

Hope that this article gives right direction about how to build HR in your company. Good luck and be successful to all Indonesian SMEs.


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