Product is the result of a production process. Check out the definition of the product based on the opinions of…
Business Tips
Explore various articles about information on business tips to help your business move forward on iReap News.

Understanding Customers, Clients and the Differences
Many terms in the business world are similar. Some words sometimes confuse users who end up putting them in the…

What are Suppliers? Definition and Types of Suppliers
What is a Supplier? In terms of language, a supplier is a supplier. Suppliers are individuals or companies/businesses that provide…

Cash Notes: Definition, Types and How to Make It
A cash receipt is a valid token of payment for a business. Check out the meaning, types of notes, and…

Definition of An Organization According to Experts
Organization is something that we commonly encounter in social life. What is the meaning of organization, its functions, and types?…

Business Place Permit (SITU): Requirements and How to Make
In addition to the Trading Business Permit or SIUP, the Business Place Permit or SITU is abbreviated as another document…

Definition of Demand and Supply Curves
Demand and supply curves are important things you need to know when studying or observing markets in the business world.…

How to Send WhatsApp Chats Without Saving Contact Numbers
How to send a WhatsApp chat without saving a contact number is very easy to do either with an application…

Webinar How To Manage Family Business
We often hear the terms First Generation Build, Second Generation Raise, and Third Generation Spend. This will not happen if…