
In this article, I will share about the newest trend in customer service world which becomes all customers’ hope.

First: 24/7 Service. Customer always hope to be served in 24 hours a day every week. It means that customer wants to be served faster and unhindered holiday time. Customer wants that all of their problems is done on the same day so that it makes them calm.

Second: Customer Data is an important asset. I believed that if your company currently has database which records all customer data well. However, there is one thing that you might have not done seriously, which is track suspect/ prospect customer data who visit your website starts from the community until where they meet in the virtual world (internet).

Third: The importance to build community. You must be able to build customer product/service user community. This customer community will open the opportunity for you to interact to the customer directly and provide the right education about the product / service at the same time and can pave the way for the customers to be able to interact or share experiences with each other. From this community, you will get tremendous input and it will be very useful for decision making.

Fourth: Use Social Media to Interact with Customer. Along with the number of customers who use the internet, it encourages social media to grow faster and really help you to interact more quickly to all customers or prospective customers. Beside it is cheap, social media, such as Facebook and Twitter will be able to speed up the transfer of information you want to give to customers / prospective customers.

Fifth: Personalized Service. Almost all customers want to get personalized service. You can start it with simple things, such as mentioning the name of the customer when they visit or when sending letter / e-mail. Do not just call Mr / Mr and without putting a name – because it will seem that you do not know them. More personalized service examples, for instance, when you give a gift on their special day, based on their hobby/favorite. Gifts do not have to be expensive but much more important is to touch the hearts of customers.

Sixth: Keep Your Promise To Customers. All customers will surely complain if you do not keep the promise and this will only make them uncomfortable or even angry. Therefore, never give excessive promises to the customer. For example, if your delivery team is only able to deliver the fastest goods 2x24hours, then do not say that you will ship the items within 1 day.

Seventh: Run Standard and Always Consistent. In providing service to customers, your company must always use the standard that has been standardized so that anyone who serves customers have the same standard of service and are able to provide satisfaction to the customer. Besides, consistency in providing services should always be maintained so that customers can feel that your company is professional and service oriented.

Eighth: Service Excellence = Effective Marketing Program. All customers would want to be served well. If your company is able to do it, then each customer will automatically tell the experience to others around him/her. This means that the satisfied customer will be a good newsreader for your company.


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