Hampers are parcels containing cakes, food, drinks, and so on, and during the delivery, the process requires special treatment so that the contents are not easily damaged.
To be more explicit about what hampers are, what they contain, and how they differ from parcels, see the explanation in this article.
What are Hampers?
That’s why hampers is a gift that uses a basket. The contents can be in the form of various products, ranging from food, drinks, fruit, and so on, which are sent with special care so that the contents inside the hampers are not easily damaged.
Hamper delivery is usually to celebrate special moments and days and give a more personal and intimate impression.
Definition of Parcel
You must have often heard the term parcel. Yes, the form of parcels so far is in the form of baskets of gifts that are wrapped, neatly decorated, and distributed as gifts during Hari Raya.
Glance is similar to hampers. Even though the meaning of parcel is a package that has been neatly wrapped in paper, the contents of the parcel can be in the form of documents, food, household appliances, and so on. As long as it is neatly wrapped in paper, its name should be parcel.
Different Hampers and Parcels

1. Word Origin
From the two meanings above, you already know the word’s origin. So, both parcels and hampers come from English. Parcel means something that has been wrapped, while hampers mean basket.
2. Wrap Shape
The difference between hampers and parcels can be seen in the shape of the package. Parcels are usually wrapped neatly and closed, so the contents are not visible.
Whereas hampers use woven baskets, the recipient of the parcel can immediately see its contents. However, in their journey in society, both hampers and parcels currently have various forms, so it is difficult to separate which are hampers and which are parcels.
3. Variety of Contents
Parcels generally contain small and light objects. It can be food, packaged cookies, books, and so on. While the contents of the hampers are more extensive and the contents are more numerous and varied.

4. Price
Because hampers and parcels have been mixed up in the market and have become profitable at certain moments, the price issue is finally adjusted according to the contents.
Hampers are generally expensive because the contents and packaging also use costly materials. Meanwhile, parcel prices are more affordable because the packaging is more straightforward.
5. Aesthetics and Decorative Variations
In the past, parcels were packaged in smaller-sized boxes or boxes. The packaging is much simpler but neat. But at this time, many properties are packaged almost similar to hampers.
What are the aesthetics and variations of the hampers decoration? The packaging of hampers is much more complicated, and you only sometimes need baskets. Even now, many hampers are packaged using unique boxes made of cardboard, baskets, jars of various sizes, and so on.
6. Impression
The difference between hampers and parcels can also be seen from the impression the recipient gets. Some people think that filling parcels could be more varied, namely only pastries, snacks, and syrup.
While hampers are considered unique, more personal, and leave a memorable impression. This is because the contents of the hampers vary, and hampers are usually given based on what the recipient likes.
7. Delivery Time
Judging from the delivery time, hampers and parcels are not too different. These two gifts are often distributed or sent to those closest to them when welcoming religious holidays and other holidays in Indonesia.
However, in recent years, the timing of hampers has changed. Currently, hampers are not only given on holidays but can also be given at other memorable moments, such as when celebrating success, birthdays, weddings, graduations, baby births, and so on.
The Meaning of Hampers and Parcels Today
Presenting hampers and parcels is still a symbol of the closeness between the person sending the property and the person receiving it. Even the contents and packaging are similar, so nowadays, people often call them hampers rather than parcels.
Seeing the habit that is starting to develop in society to give and receive gifts to each other, it is only natural that the hampers business is growing and can become profitable. Do you also want to try the hampers business? If so, let’s find the opportunity by reading the following article: Hampers Business Opportunities and Types of Hampers.