What is a product photo? Product photos are pictures of a product based on its original form to be displayed…
Strategy Marketing / Business
Types and Examples of Social Media Marketing
Social media marketing is a form of digital marketing that utilizes social media for business promotion. What are the types…
7 Goals of Social Media Marketing to Increase Sales
Social media marketing or marketing on social media is one of the business strategies that can increase sales. So, what…
Tips for Choosing the Right Cashier App for Your Business
For those of you who are running a business or running a shop business, whether it’s a grocery store, home…
How to Promote on Instagram that’s Practical and Selling Well
Instagram is a social media platform that has many users and focuses on visual content. This makes Instagram a promising…
Get to know Instagram Marketing and its Benefits for Business
According to data from We Are Social, active Instagram users in Indonesia reach 99.9 million per month. Based on this…
10 Tips for Making a Captivating and Memorable Tagline
The tagline is a concise sentence that must be able to describe the advantages of the brand so that it…
What are Taglines? This is the definition, type, and function
Is there one tagline from a certain brand that you remember well to this day and made you instantly recognize…
Guide to Selling on Shopee for Beginners
Are you looking to start a business or online business? Do you want to sell on Shopee? Shopee is a…