To make money is not easy. Not a few also need specific capital to get money. But now, there are many ways to earn money from the internet, even without a penny of fortune. You, as a beginner, can also do this and only need electronic devices and an internet network. Plus expertise, of course!
At this time, who doesn’t have an electronic device with an active internet network? Almost all people certainly have it, from children to the elderly. You need to make good use of this kind of convenience to make money, which can improve your abilities even more.
12 Ways to Earn Money From the Internet for Beginners Must Know

All things can be done quickly without the hassle anymore. One of them is how to get money from the internet. In general, to make money, you need to work directly. But now, you can earn money by working through online media.
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This method is more straightforward than working directly. You can even do it anywhere and anytime. You only need an internet network to earn money. Even though it sounds easy, it can’t be done carelessly.
You still have to hone your skills to increase the money generated. Take it easy; getting money through the internet does not need to use a fund-raising application such as PayPal. You can receive the money you make working through the internet directly into your bank account.
Here are some things you can do to find out how to make money from the internet. You don’t even have to spend a dime. Read this review to the end.
1. Become a Content Creator

The videos you have created can be uploaded on various platforms—starting from Youtube, Tik Tok, Instagram, and many more. The more people who watch your videos, the better your chances of earning money. If you are already famous enough, then your videos will continue to have a lot of views.
There is a lot of exciting content to choose from; it would be better if you showed your skills when creating video content. Say you have a cooking hobby; use your skills to make cooking videos. Can with a variety of cooking tutorials.
2. Become a Writer

Simply by using the internet and electronic devices, you can become a freelance writer. You can write novels online, become an article writer, and become a blogger. All these things are done only using online media. Even if you become a freelance writer will not be bound by a specific time and place.
However, freelance writers usually have a specific schedule to complete their writing. This one job is perfect for those who like to write and want to earn money through this hobby. For those of you who don’t have experience being a writer. Then you can start honing your skills from now on.
3. Join to Become Affiliate Marketing
Making money through the internet can be easy to do. One of them is by joining affiliate marketing. You do not need to spend a penny of capital even to enter. For those of you who don’t know what affiliate marketing is, it is a system of selling goods or services from a particular company.
Later, if the product or service you have sold sells, you will get a certain amount of money according to the agreement. You only need to offer products or services; later, you will get money. This one method is relatively easy to do. Even those of you who are still students can do this easily.
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Only with an internet device and an internet network can you sell products or services by participating in affiliate marketing. You also don’t have to bother thinking about what goods or services you are selling because all of these things have been provided by that party.
Simply selling the product, you can enjoy your sales money results. The more products you sell, the more money you will get.
4. Become an Online Teacher
Who said being a teacher can only be done in a particular place. Technological advances make all things can be done quickly through online media. One of them is an online teacher. Currently, becoming a teacher can be done online via the internet. You can become an online teacher to earn money.
The community currently much needs online teachers. Besides being easier to access, students also don’t have to bother going out of the house to study with the teacher. You can take this opportunity to become an online teacher and earn money easily.
To become an online teacher, you can open services independently or join certain educational institutions. This job is suitable for those of you who are still students or those who want to become an online teacher because you like teaching and learning activities.
5. Selling Various Software
How to get money from the internet you can do is sell software. Now many people are willing to spend a certain amount of money to get the software they want. You can have coding skills, don’t miss this opportunity.
Make software that is attractive and worthy of being traded. That way, you can earn money from selling this software. It is enough with an electronic device in the form of a laptop. Then, you can make software and sell it through online media. But to sell this software, you need to have the ability to do coding.
However, making software requires people who are experts in the field and should not be done carelessly. To hone your skills to create software that can later be traded at a reasonably high price.
6. Selling Online
You can still earn money more accessible to students, students, or even homemakers through the internet. The trick is to sell products through online media. To do this, you also don’t even need special skills when selling online. You only need to prepare the products to be sold and electronic devices.
It’s the same as how to sell in general, but the only difference is the media for buying and selling transactions. Usually, you will need a place to sell by renting a shop. Unlike selling online, you don’t need to set up a shop to sell.
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You can sell your products through online media. You can create an online store in the marketplace, on social media, etc. As long as you do promotions well and regularly, buyers will be interested in your products. That way, you will earn money without leaving the house and can be done anytime, anywhere.
7. Become a Graphic Designer
Don’t waste your skills for those of you who like graphic design. Please hone your skills in this visual design field. Today many large companies are looking for a graphic designer. Later you can make money by becoming a graphic designer or opening a design service.
Many people need people who are experts in graphic design. You must already know that not just anyone has expertise in graphics. For that, you can use this opportunity to make money. You can even do this easily using the internet.
The way to become a graphic designer that is much needed by the community can be by opening your service or joining a company. Many websites offer graphic design services that you can visit. Of course, you need to attach the results of your design so that potential customers can be more confident in using your services.
8. Become a Website Tester
Those of you who like new things and have a hobby of doing reviews. Then you can try to become a website tester. You, as a student, can also be a tester of this website. How to do it is even easy; certain companies will send you the latest products to be launched.
Then you can try the product and leave a review. After the inspection is complete, then you will get some money. Things like this are straightforward; you will even get products for free and get paid. Who is not interested in being a website tester like this, right?
Even though it sounds easy and fun, the results of the reviews you give must be honest. Do not let you do an insulting review. If this happens, you will not get money from the company. You may not even be allowed to become a website tester.
9. Become an Influencer
Becoming an influencer is one way to make money that is quite promising. Now, some people need influencers, especially business people who want to promote their products. As an influencer, you have a large following in online media.
Because of the popularity of influencers, business actors use their services to promote products to followers of these influencers. Later, influencers will get money from business actors because they have helped boost their yields. The more followers, the higher the endorsement rate.
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You can become an influencer on various platforms on online media. So that the public can increasingly recognize your name, it can open exciting content for the public to watch. This can attract people to follow your account on the platform, and later you can become an influencer.
10. Make Money From Subtitling
Most people must have watched films from abroad. To understand the film’s plot, of course, it is necessary to have subtitles from a foreign language into Indonesian text. The existence of film subtitles like this can happen because the result of a language change is different from a subtitle.
Those who can speak foreign languages can take advantage of this to make money easily through the internet. You can change the language in the film, but you can also work with companies to promote it.
Usually, the promotion can be through talk shows that require a text version and will be published through the company’s website. This can be done by students who do have the ability to understand foreign languages.
11. Become a Task Jockey
For some people, being a jockey is not a new thing. The task jockey is one of the services that offer to do assignments for students or students. You can do many tasks and can be tailored to the customer’s wishes or according to your abilities.
Usually, the tasks that need to be done by this task jockey are typing in the form of a file, helping with translation, etc. Being a jockey, anyone can do this task, primarily students who often do this. You can adjust the rates according to your wishes.
12. Join Dropshipping
The last way to get money from the internet, and anyone can do it, is to join dropshipping. There is no age limit to becoming dropshipping; even students or homemakers can also do this. Of course, you don’t need to spend capital to get money through dropshipping.
The principle of dropshipping is almost the same as resellers in general. You need to sell the product to the buyer. But what makes you different is that you don’t need to stock up on products, and you don’t have to bother sending goods to buyers. Business people will do this. You need to sell it, and you will earn money.
Also read: The Difference Between Reseller and Dropshipper in Online Business
Those are some ways that you can do to make money via the Internet, without capital, and can go directly to your bank account. Take advantage of advanced technology and the ability you have to make money.
Follow How To Earn Money From Internet from iREAPPOS
Now making money can indeed be done easily, as long as you can use everything well. Of course, you can earn money even though the Internet with only electronic devices.
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